Friday, January 7, 2011


Wow, it's been a while. At the request of a friend, I must update you all. :) I have wanted to, but who has the time? Must make some! Anyway...

We have been homeschooling and everything is going great...well everything but math. My first-grader does great with all other subjects...language arts, phonics, science, history, art, and music. Well, she even does okay with math, but she doesn't want to try very hard. Every thing else just seems to be a lot easier to try and master, but math she does not care for. She can DO it, but would rather choose to not try very hard. This has proven to be quite frustrating for teacher as well as student. I have tried many, MANY things and it has gotten somewhat better. She's a smart cookie but doesn't like to work at things that do not come easy. Guess she gets that from me. :( I took piano lessons for many years and should be able to play better than I do now, but I hated to practice. Easy concepts were easy for me to practice, but I just didn't want to spend the time on the harder stuff and it frustrated me easily. Funny how children teach you so much about yourself...

After thinking and praying about it and talking to some friends who know much about the subject, we have been loooking into charter schools in our area. My dear first grader would definitely benefit from a brick-and-mortar school, I think, for many reasons. I won't list these for fear it would bore some to death. :) Maybe one of these posts will be dedicated to that, and those who wish to may completely skip over that one. ;) It has definitely been interesting, though, to research education and really think about options and such. There is so much out there. But for now, I am enjoying my role of teacher-mom and LOVE teaching my student. If we decide to send her off to school, I will miss her oh so much. I love to see the way her mind works and how her eager brain works. What an amazing creation the mind is. God is so gracious to us!

Well, I think this post is long enough for now. Next post will update you on the rest of life, I guess. There isn't too much else to talk about. :) Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. Joy,
    Thanks for the update. I've been wondering how everything is going. As for math, my kids love it when we do math with food. And they seem to get what I am trying to teach them a whole lot faster. E-mail me if you want more info.
